Dramblade Serrated Dawn フィギュアリスト


起動コスト属性(VMF): 能力の起動のために、同所にその属性の味方が必要。
シールド能力(): 同所の敵が通常攻撃を行い、その攻撃ダイスの数字の合計が振ったダイスの数より大きいとき、同所のあなたのミニチュアのシールド能力を1つ起動する。
Dream Lord(夢使い) Dream Lordを持つクリーチャーは、すべて「Unique Dream Lord」を持ち、同時に1体しかコントロールできない。Dream Lordが破壊されると、勝利ポイント(勝利ターン数)を1失う。

(仮訳) 派閥 コスト 能力 能力詳細 Flavor (仮訳)
1 Clarion Knight 明朗な騎士   7V 3 9 9 : Skirmish あなたは対象の【接敵状態の味方1体】を1セル移動させてもよい。 The bell rings to remind all that hope remains. その鐘の音はすべての人に希望が残っていることを思い起こさせる。
2 Dragon Ambassador ドラゴンの大使   13VVV 5 12 13 Longstride;
: Heroics 6
"This war will stop. Even if I have to kill every last one of you, it will stop!" この戦争は終わりを迎えるだろう。例え私がお前たちをも一人残らず殺さねばいけないとしても、終わりを迎えるのだ。
3 Elder Scragglemaw 老いた鋸歯獣   11VV 5 14 14     Many compare scragglemaws to a mountain--tough and unyielding. The better comparison, however, is to an avalanche--an unstoppable force that kills you before you can blink. 多くの人々が鋸歯獣を山に例える――頑なで頑強なところだ。ただし、むしろ雪崩の方が例えとしては優れているだろう――瞬きする間もなくお前を殺す止められぬ力だ。
4 Flagbearer 旗手   8VV 4 8 10 Halo (: Advance) このクリーチャーが非接敵状態であるかぎり、隣接する各味方は「: Advance - あなたは対象の【非接敵状態の味方1体】を1セル移動してもよい。」を持つ。 To victory! 勝利を!
5 Rat Woman ネズミ女 Bloodcut 3V 2 3 3 : Assisted Strike 3 あなたに隣接する非接敵状態の味方がいる場合、この戦闘のダメージに+3。 Sometimes even the Bloodcut require cunning. 時にはブラッドカットですら狡猾さが必要なときがある。
6 Scarred Harbinger 傷跡の先触れ   7V 4 6 8 Fear-Edged Advance 同所のあなたのFearのクリーチャーのブレード能力が起動されるたび、あなたは対象の【非接敵状態の味方1体】を1セル移動してもよい。 The abyss leaves its mark on all who face it. 地獄はそこに面した者すべてに印を残す。
7 Skydancer 空の踊り手   4V 3 5 5 : Skirmish あなたは対象の【接敵状態の味方1体】を1セル移動させてもよい。 Skydancer's son. --A dreamscape phrase meaning 'very lucky.' 空の踊り手の子――夢次元の言い回しで「非常にツイている」。
8 Skyshield Eagle 空の盾の鷲   6VVV 2 6 7 *: Pacify;
: Protect
Many take refuge under its wings. 多くがその翼の下に避難する。
9 Soldier of Light and Shadow 光と影の兵士 Janus 5VV 2 7 7 Halo (Unstoppable) このクリーチャーが非接敵状態であるかぎり、隣接する各味方は「Unstoppable - あなたがシフトするとき、このクリーチャーは接敵状態であっても移動できる。」を持つ。 The dreamscape is prone to duality. 夢次元は相対的になりがちだ。
10 Steelborn Lioness 鋼生まれの雌獅子 Bloodcut 9VV 3 8 9 Bloodcut Synergy 3;
: Crit 2
11 Zungar Citadel ザンガーの城砦   5VVV Location Whenever your local or adjacent creatures are assigned damage, reduce that damage by 2. 同所か隣接するあなたのクリーチャーにダメージが割り振られる場合、そのダメージを−2。 Who shall protect the protectors? 守護者を守護するのは誰か?
12 Zungar Revenger ザンガーの復讐者   9V 4 9 10 F, : Scare 2 あなたは対象の【非接敵状態の最大2体の敵】を各1セル押し出してもよい。(「押し出す」とはクリーチャーを遠ざけるように動かすことである。) As the Great Reckoning draws near, the zungars are resolved to not see the dreamscape destroyed again. “大審判”が近づくにつれ、ザンガーたちは再び夢次元が破壊される様を見ないための決心を固めている。
13 Birthing Frog 出産蛙 Stitched 4MM * 4 9 Darkheart このクリーチャーのパワーは、それの非接敵状態の味方の総数に等しい。 What rough beast slouches toward Darkheart Cottage to be born? 闇の心臓の小屋に向けてのたうつ不恰好な獣から何が生まれるのか?
14 Electric Sheep 電気羊   3M 1 3 7 : Mutation 7 あなたはこのクリーチャーを、対象の【あなたのリザーブにある念出コストが7以下のクリーチャー1体】と交換してもよい。 What androids dream of. アンドロイドの夢見るもの。
15 Grinder 削り屋   9MM 3 6 13 : Toss 4 対象の【同所の敵1体】がこの戦闘で分散される場合、あなたはそれを他の空いていないセルに置いてもよい。そのセルにいる他の各敵をパワー4で攻撃する。(この能力によりスタック制限を越えてはいけない。) Most faeries fear machines . . . some build them. 妖精のほとんどは機械を恐れている……それを作っている奴もいるが。
16 Iron Bruiser 鉄の乱暴者   10M 7 7 16 : Fumble 2;
: Fumble 6
"Think of the ways we abuse iron in the dayside. Is it any surprise that the iron seeks retribution?" 「鉄の別な悪い使い方を考えてみなよ。鉄が仕返ししてこようとしたらびっくりするだろ?」
17 Little Bed of Horrors 恐怖の子供ベッド   2MMM Location 2: Transfer Ally あなたは対象の【同所の味方1体】を、あなたのロケーションのあるセルに移動してもよい。 After many long years of hiding under the bed, the monster decided it was time to stop playing around. 長年ベッドの下に隠れ続けていた怪物は、もうお遊びは止めることにした。
18 Miss Innocence 無垢の淑女 Lost 4MM 1 2 7 Halo (Fortunate 1) このクリーチャーが非接敵状態であるかぎり、隣接する各味方は「Fortunate 1 - このクリーチャーが攻撃するたび、最大1個までのダイスを振りなおす。」を持つ。 With experience comes sorrow. She'd rather stay innocent forever. 経験は悲しみを生み出す。彼女は永遠に無垢でいることを選んだ。
19 Night Gaunt 夜鬼   4M 2 3 7 P, : Lure 2 あなたは対象の【最大2体までの非接敵状態の敵】を各1セルずつ引き込んでもよい。(「引き込む」とはクリーチャーを近づくように移動することである。) The night gaunts were first discovered by H.P. Lovecraft during a trip to the dreamscape. H.P.ラヴクラフトが最初に夜鬼を見つけたのは、夢次元を旅しているときだった。
20 Quicksilver Golem 水銀のゴーレム   7M 3 5 12 : Unravel 4 この戦闘で、対象の【同所の敵1体】のディフェンスに−4。(クリーチャーのディフェンスは1未満にならない。) Its fluid beauty masks its deadliness. その流れ移る美しさはその恐ろしさを隠している。
21 Seahorse Butterfly タツノオトシゴ蝶   8MM 4 4 10 Location Synergy 3;
Geomancy 1
22 Skatetrix スケートトリックス   6MM 2 5 10 : Wish この戦闘に参加しているあなたの各クリーチャーのそれぞれのブレード能力の1つに、それにを割り振ることができるかぎりを割り振る。 Her wish is your command. 彼女の願いはお前の命じ。
23 The Vitruvian ヴィトルヴ人   5M 3 4 9     In the dreamscape, a keen mind trumps a strong body. The vitruvians have both. 夢次元では、屈強な肉体より鋭い精神が勝る。ヴィトルヴ人はその両方を持っている。
24 Webwing Dragon 蜘蛛の巣翼のドラゴン   11MMM 5 7 13 Web Breath;
: Unravel 7
As if fighting a normal dragon weren't hard enough. 普通のドラゴンと戦うのが大変なことじゃないようだ。
25 Chainwhip Mistress   5F 3 4 7 : Expel -- You may move target engaged enemy one cell. Her lovers never last long.
26 Demon Toad Hellbred 3F 1 5 6 Y: Ripe 2 -- When you sacrifice this creature, if it's your spawn phase, gain +2 spawn points. Otherwise, gain +2 spawn points at the beginning of your next spawn phase. The Hellbred find them delicious.
27 Doctor Witch   8F 5 7 11 Medical science was my calling . . . until I dreamed of deeper truths.
28 Fountain of Shades   3F Whenever you sacrifice a local or adjacent creature, make an X-power attack against target local or adjacent enemy, where X is the sacrificed creature's power. The Hellbred make a wish each time they sacrifice a soul to the fountain.
29 Masquerade Man   6FF 2 5 6 Conquest Synergy 3 -- If you control creatures in at least three scoring cells, this creature costs 2 less to spawn. Dominate -- This creature claims scoring cells even when they're contested.
30 Moondark Knight   6F 3 7 9 V, : Advance 2 -- You may move up to two target unengaged allies one cell. Not all lunar handmaidens stay faithful.
31 Muck Snake   3FF 1 2 3 Swarm Synergy 7 -- If you control at least seven creatures in the dreamscape, this creature costs 2 less to spawn. : Flanking 2 -- If you control more creatures in this cell than your opponent, deal +2 damage this combat.
32 Razorhand Scrapper   7FF 4 7 10 : Scare Nonfear -- You may push target unengaged nonfear enemy one cell. (Pushing means moving a creature away.) Their scars tell much.
33 Roach Mother Hiveling 4F 3 3 5 Halo (Shadow) -- While this creature is unengaged, each adjacent ally has Shadow -- This creature can't be the target of abilities. She loves her children so.
34 Serpentine Specter   6FF 3 5 9 3: Expel Nonvalor -- You may move target engaged nonvalor enemy one cell. Come and play with my friendssss . . . .
35 Slithering Silhouette   9F 3 8 11 Shadow Field -- Your local creatures can't be the target of abilities. : Flanking 3 -- If you control more creatures in this cell than your opponent, deal +3 damage this combat. It whispers promises of death.
36 Sun Slayer Hellbred 8F 5 6 9 Sacrificial Strike 8 -- When you sacrifice this creature, make an 8-power attack against target local enemy. In death is glory.
37 Blood Raptor   8P 6 5 7 2: Bloodlust -- If this creature is unengaged, you may move it into an adjacent enemy-occupied cell. : Daze -- Target local enemy doesn't get a deathblow this phase. Be grateful raptors don't hunt in packs . . . one is bad enough.
38 Brood Mother   7PP 3 3 4 Halo (: Battle Energize 2) -- While this creature is unengaged, each adjacent ally has : Battle Energize 2 -- Gain +2 spawn points at the beginning of your next spawn phase. Keep your hopes close, but your fears closer.
39 Candescent Warrior   10P 7 7 10 Rampage -- Whenever this creature makes a regular attack, if each local enemy is destroyed by the end of combat, you may move this creature one cell. : Ferocity -- If target local enemy becomes disrupted this combat, destroy it instead.
40 Draconite Monk   9P 6 8 11 Draconite monks believe that only through rigorous training and devotion can they achieve their true dragon potential.
41 Faerie Dragon   4PP 4 2 3 Steadfast -- This creature takes no damage from deathblows. : Lethal Glory 2 -- Score +2 conquest points this turn for each enemy you destroy this combat. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in sheer bloodthirstiness.
42 Forgeblind Smasher   8PP 5 7 9 : Smash -- You may destroy target local location. 4: Supersmash -- You may destroy target local or adjacent location. Don't make bargains with forgeblind lightly. They always collect. Be careful of bargains made with the forgeblind. They always collect.
43 Horned Beast   5P 3 3 5 M, : Double Warpstrike 4 -- Choose two different target nonlocal enemies. Make a 4-power attack against each target. Guided by its horn, it eventually lost the need for a head.
44 One-Eye   11P 9 9 11 Loner -- This creature can't attack with other creatures. : Lure -- You may pull target unengaged enemy one cell. (Pulling means moving a creature closer.) Many ships have mistaken its shining eye for the light of safety.
45 Serpopard   10P 7 6 9 Monstrous Synergy 12 -- If you control at least one creature with spawn cost 12 or more, this creature costs 2 less to spawn. : Crit 5 -- This creature deals +5 damage this combat.
46 Skeever Warcaller   7P 5 4 6 : Assault 5 -- Make a 5-power attack against target local enemy. When the battle turns against the skeevers, the warcaller turns it back.
47 Twin-Skull Archway   5PP If a local or adjacent ally would add or deal damage with a blade ability during combat, add or deal double that damage instead. Death hasn't lessened their hatred. There's a reason they're still chained.
48 Vampiric Dryad   3P 2 2 4 : Battle Energize 2 -- Gain +2 spawn points at the beginning of your next spawn phase. Your veins nourish her trees.
49 Desecrated Steelborn   4VF 1 4 5 Curse 1 -- Whenever one or more local enemies attack, your opponent rerolls one die of your choice. Halo (: Glory 2) -- While this creature is unengaged, each adjacent ally has : Glory 2 -- Score +2 conquest points this turn. When steel is gone, bone endures.
50 Zungar Marauder   5VF 0 5 5 Ambush 3 -- Whenever an enemy enters this cell, make a 3-power attack against that enemy. Charge 3 -- Whenever this creature enters an enemy-occupied cell, make a 3-power attack against target local enemy. Not all zungars agree that humanity is worth saving.
51 Carnival Charger   8VM 3 8 11 Inertia -- Damage can't be assigned to local creatures during a shift phase. Only the foolish accept its invitation to ride.
52 Oneironaut Secundus Janus 8VVMM 3 9 12 Dream Lord 0: Swap Janus -- You may exchange this creature's position with target nonlocal Janus ally. : Teleport Ally -- You may put target ally into target nonportal cell.
53 Starstriker   7VP 5 3 8 Bodyguard -- Opponents can't assign damage to your local allies without Bodyguard until enough damage has been assigned to disrupt or destroy each of your local creatures with Bodyguard. Parting Shot 5 -- Whenever this creature is disrupted and removed fr
54 Bladespine Eyesack   8MF 5 7 14 *: Appease Madness -- Sacrifice a Madness creature. : Deathrip -- Choose a non-Deathrip single-blade ability of target creature in your graveyard. Until end of phase, this creature has that ability. Activate that ability as if were assigned to it
55 Cursed Faerie   7MP 6 5 10 *: Spur -- Choose an ally in the same cell as target enemy. Make an X-power attack against that enemy, where X is the chosen ally's power. Fade -- If this creature attacks, banish it at the end of that combat (unless it has been destroyed).
56 Cutterella   10MP 7 6 10 Edged Crit 2 -- Whenever a local creature you control activates a blade ability, deal +2 damage this combat. Snip snip.
57 Skin Sculptor   5MP 2 3 7 Halo (: Crit 3) -- While this creature is unengaged, each adjacent ally has : Crit 3 -- This creature deals +3 damage this combat. : Raise -- Put target creature from your graveyard into your reserves. Art is pain.
58 Queen Raven Hellbred 10FFPP 7 11 13 Dream Lord : Appease & Crit 8 -- Sacrifice a creature, then deal +8 damage this combat. : Hell Spawn -- If target local enemy is destroyed this combat, put a Hellbred with spawn cost X from your reserves or your graveyard into this cell, where X is
59 Skinbones   3FP 3 4 5 Skinbones are fused together from the skin and bones of sleepers murdered in the dreamscape.
60 Putrid Princess Hellbred 7FV 3 6 8 Reinforce -- You may spawn this creature in any cell that contains an ally. Nullify -- Local creatures can't activate blade abilities. It only takes one kiss.
